Sunday, August 19, 2012

Princess of Fiction...I wish

It has been ten days since I wrote last and I haven't heard from my publisher. And now, this morning I have no access to my account with them. Google tells me there is a problem with the publisher's WEB site. It makes me very nervous. Have they gone under? Or, what could they be doing? On the whole I cannot recommend self-publishing with BookPal. the experience has been just experience but a very expensive promising promotion in the USA, Canada and England. So far the Internet has shown me some sites where my books are available particularly Amazon and some English sites but none in Canada or America. But I will try again and do a more thorough search. Here's hoping for a reply to my e-mail...if that is it that I can't access the company via Google?

Friday, August 10, 2012

Feeling better!

I suppose you might think that I have been sick. No I haven't had the flu injection nor have I had the flu. But I have been down in the dumps because my publisher, I felt, had abandoned me. No matter what e-mail I wrote enquiring as to the whereabouts of my hard copy books, I received no answer. But this morning, out of the blue the Public Relations screed written by an invisible expert did appear on my screen. And you know what, it sounded alright...except for a couple of mistakes, so back it goes and another 14 days to wait before the book hits the stalls.
The writer of the advertising referred to my autobiograpic/memoir account as an examination of my family and my experience as a RAW description. Wow! I suppose it is. I do tell it like it is in everything I say. So, I feel  better and seeing I changed the names of my family members, they can also sleep lightly because their friends, should they pick up the book and read it, will not be able to identify who ever..unless they are very astute! So am I sorry to have exposed our family history to the world? Of course not! The only thing is that I should have done it much earlier and not self published. The next book should there be one will be going the rounds of the publisher lottery until I find someone who likes it.