Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The courage of ONE!

Will the all-powerful now listen to the wants of the community? We demand our right to life and death as we see it!
This poor man dreaded separation from his life partner, a future in jail for murder, an existance in a nursing home again separated from his life partner and being a burden on his relatives, financial and otheriwse. Why can't we follow the German High Court idea...doctors can now prescribe the drink to end all drinks...but cannot assist in any way, physically. Surely it is time for everyone to be given that choice!  

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

A visit to Menzies 1896 cemetry

A worthy visit. Many metal sculptures are displayed to create interest. These figurines also exist in the township of Menzies to guide visitors with a little historical knowledge as they do in the cemetry.
A  few gravesites filled in 1896 continue to fascinate any visitor. The small ones mainly remind us of the many children and babies who died suffering from the effects
of diarrhea and dehydration. 
For those who couldn't afford much a simple margin of stones along with a wooden cross marked where the individual lay.
 These metal decorations filled with flowers showed last respects to those who had passed on.


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