Wednesday, August 28, 2013

OMG!! Not my God!! I don't have one.

I just remembered. But, I've changed doctors, now that is worth talking about. This one is much younger and it seems, much more serious about her patient's needs. I strolled along to my usual six monthly blood test, the usual readings, why waste money seeing the good doctor? Not this time. Apparently my high cholesterol and matching high blood pressure needed to be attended to. But why? I have never felt so good in my life!
But, I didn't realise what GOOD was. So I can recommend an hour with the CV (cardiovascular) experts on the treadmill and attached to ultrasound machinery. It is great exercise and how refreshing!! And, $700.00 lighter I skipped home to spend the afternoon sleeping like a baby.
So why did I spend the rest of the day writing my will? Be Prepared!!! If you don't the Liberal Government might use all you've worked your butt off for all those years, to reduce their deficit. And who would want that?
So I hope I have put a few smiles on the faces of my offspring. But as my partner says....DEAD IS DEAD!!! So who cares? I do. My next appointment is Friday....for the good news? I hope so!
These photos are of my two friends in Toodyay. The one with her head on the ground lost her head many years ago but for some reason I keep her in my garden. I have seen the original sculpture in Milan Italy. So maybe that is the reason.
The fluffy little house spider I always give a good talking to along the lines of ...'You can't stay here hiding in the rolled up table cloth. Your colours don't match the decor. So nick off!!' But, she makes such a good impersonation of being dead that I'm the one who takes my own advice... throws the cloth back over the spider's head and nicks off till next week.
But I remembered, my mother always had a better way...a screwtop jar, lid removed, hold it over the spider, slide it into the jar without damaging its limbs, slide the top back and rush to the closest bush to toss the visitor clear of all humanity. Now, all life is precious! Is it not ?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Creativity where are you?

This is being written at 5am and I have not been asleep since 3:30 am. so it must be time to start writing another novel. Creativity abounds in these hours or so I have been told. So far I've written only one e-mail so I am waiting...
So while I am waiting I'l upload some more photos. Wow! And what a variety! I am jumping from Cottesloe Beach 2013, the sculpture competition to two shots taken in Peru last year. The little bird was merrily chirping away at Machu Pichu.... a bonus for me. The blue sculpture of the pregnant lady I have dubbed 'Double Trouble'. By the look of her she may be carrying twins...double the breasts, double ears, double lips, eyes and nose....what sort of creativity took over here?
The view of the Andes in Peru is one of my favourites. The secret is in the reflection. It think so anyway.  I am thinking of creating a WEB site although I've been warned that it may be a most expensive exercise. Then again what a better way to show my pictures and advertise my books I can't imagine.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

New direction Street Photography

Yes I took my birthday present (Canon G15) on a club outing. A trial run before my overseas trip. And, the suburb was Leederville on a Sunday afternoon. I must say the camera did not perform as easily as my Canon G10. And on top of that I was told by another club member that a G16 was due to be released in a month. Nevertheless I wasn't disappointed in my photo collection on my return home. Compared to all the huge cameras with heavy lenses attached I didn't do too badly. You decide!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Better late than never!

This time I do have some photos of my winning experience at Northbridge. My image was called 'linemessage' but unfortunately the message didn't get through and I was accused of voting for my own photo which of course I didn't do. I had voted for no.5 and the paper proved it while my number was 3. Oh what it is to get old!!! Only this time I had not been the cause of the confusion.
Anyway I'll move on and upload the amazing wall sculpture made of coffee cups and representing Marilyn Monroe. But one has to look closely before the eyes can recognise the image. This picture you can enjoy after your visit to the Art Gallery of course! A well earned rest is yours after many hours of walking.
By the way you are probably wondering about the name of this great photography/camera club. It is WESTSIDE in Mt. Claremont. We do have a website you can find us on.
 I didn't mention 'The Caller', also at the Art Gallery Cultural Complex. So onto our next interesting outing this weekend at East Perth where the theme will be........I know but it is a secret! The last time I was there it was a full moon and I couldn't resist taking a photo of a man sitting in the park and reading a book. I called that one 'Reading by Moonlight' and I hope you'll be able to see it displayed at the Showgrounds National Photographic exhibition in September. Here's to the Caller!!! Can you hear him?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

One winner and 4 that weren't included.

Yes that was just my luck! At the photography club I had organised 5 photos to be entered in the digital section which meant I could only enter three prints. So, back the other  3 went not quite discarded but slotted into the future competitions section. Lots of negative comments by the judge left me hopeful for my digitals. But no, no images appeared. The competition organiser had simply deleted mine and included only one. And just when I thought I had the competition sewn up. But at least I did win the club outing competition, our visit to Northbridge.
Which brings me to recall the set of cups on the cafe wall...these were strategically placed so that the gaps represented an image of Marilyn Monroe. Fantastic! But I'll try and find my winning photograph. The challenge was to capture the 'lines' everywhere.
No luck! It was a Tif and was too big. Instead I have uploaded the club members on one of our outing. The judge thought it was a laughing matter because the little boy appeared to have his nose in the figure's backside. I was not amused! And this one, Boomtown Perth, was the member's winner choice at another occasion. One click too many and whoosh we have our President capturing a discarded piano at the Piano Cemetery in York. This was another club outing a while ago. I can't say that my technique of uploading photos has been perfected. Oh well, better luck next time.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy Birthday

Yes, best wishes to myself. I have achieved the impossible. I have lost so much weight that I have dropped one dress size. Unbelieveable! But I have a photo or six to prove it. My present (one of them) was a new Canon G15 and as my neighbour is such a hot shot with the G-range (and I'm not talking about the G-string although she has the body to suit) she arrived to take some photos. I may include one if I can find it on my computer. I am told my legs are super so why do I always hide them by wearing slacks? Because they are the longest part of me! A short answer. But, you can decide and don't forget that 60 is the new 50. So what will 70 be I wonder?
Who cares! I'll have a few years to worry about that. Whatever I think now I know that I haven't lost my sense of humour. From what I read in the travel books it is important to keep smiling. However the hotels do all they can to help and we will be off next month:
MOSCOW If this is your first visit you are welcome to it.
More is in 'The Secret Life of the English Language' Martin H. Manser.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Shock, horror!

Yes the 'loser' has just checked out her book sales and the income chart provided by my publisher. No wonder he thinks that my books (Baggage and Kin Deep and the inability to Mourn) are not producing income for him. The sales are not even producing income for me and I was the one with the ideas and the hours spent in front of the computer.
Yes dear friends, guess how much I make after selling 3 books to American or English buyers? No wrong!! Not even $3.00 per book. In fact I can see marked on my sales account a whole Us$ 8.88. Whoopee!!! I am rich!!
I'll cheer myself up by posting another photo. I don't have one of me crying or beating my publisher over the head so any J-peg will do. Cheers!!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Where have I been?

Good question! This time I can't blame my absence on my computer or anything else in my life except that I have escaped the rut I have been in. Yes I don't mind admitting it but I have been so down about the Australian Political Experience that I have ended up in the foetal position on more days than I want to contemplate. But out of the blue came a complete stranger requesting me to review his book on Bullying and suddenly I was up and ego had been tapped into in a good way. I did his review on the basis that he would review mine on Amazon. And off I was, pen in hand, no not quite and I found myself reviewing several books I had bought from Amazon and read. In the meantime my publisher has kept on the pressure sending me research proving that unless more promotion of my books (Baggage and Kin Deep and the Inability to Mourn) occurs I would be described as a loser. On the contrary I think, why has my publisher spent not a second promoting my books? I known he/she has been too busy lugging my money to the bank! Or his printing pressers in Asia are running out of orders. Not my problem!!!
 But 'Baggage'is a good read because it is based on an incident which really happened to me and of course the Memoir, 'Kin Deep and the Inability to Mourn'  is full of real life also. So get onto Amazon and try them out....I don't like being called a loser simply because I am not performing my duties as a book salesperson.
While you are at Amazon read my book reviews. They have kept me really interested  this morning as have my posts of the past. I must be just like so many others in this world and just love to see my opinions in writing perhaps I should start writing to the paper. No this Blog will do for the time being.