Sunday, August 24, 2014

To all big eaters...from Galapagos, Equador or not.

An article of only 8 lines caught my eye this morning in the West Australian. No it wasn't about the budget nor was it about the refugees. 'Galapagos' was the word of attraction. But the news made me sad.
Pepe the Missionary, a symbol of Equador's Galapagos Islands, a Giant Turtle of massive proportions and of at least 100 years has finally died of old not so...apparently from being overweight. I immediately reached for my photographs taken during our visit to Galapagos. perhaps I could show how Pepe looked at almost 100 years.

 Was this Pepe having breakfast? It is possible. He does look old enough and seems to like his food.
What about this fellow? Then again, they all love to eat and who doesn't?
If they didn't how would Turtle Kindy keep going?

Advertising! How it is done in the Apple Isle!

Seeing I wrote about the 'Outdoor Art Gallery' in Tasmania I can't resist giving you a look at advertising and how it is done in Tasmania. Anything that makes me laugh or raise a smile appears interesting to me and why can't more advertisements be done with a sense of humour. Wouldn't the technique be more effective if it raised a laugh in us? I think so. These examples focus on the history of the area but at the end of the street a shop keeper  attracts the buyer with his sense of humour and philosophy on life.

 Don't forget to click on the image to enlarge!!

The Outdoor Art Gallery!!

And why not! In Tasmania what challenges the artist the most is the seasons and the weather. However some residents even like their house decorated with scenes which remind them of their community-living.
Others steeped in history display scenes from the past. Even Nature with its amazing landscapes true to Tasmania is displayed encouraging the visitor to explore.

The most appropriate however displays
the contribution pets or animals may leave...graphically displayed...for pet lovers only!

A journey through the thousands of....yes! Photographs!!

No, my journey has really been one I should have undertaken years ago. I almost followed the advice a friendly pilot and photographer mentioned once on our flight through Africa...yes he actually deleted all photographs he had ever taken so that he could begin again. We couldn't believe him! And he'd been a pilot for years operating his own company for years and years in a mixed political environment never taking off unless his Cessna 210  propeller had clicked a certain number of times in the right direction on turning. There was no reason to disbelieve him then and we shared his reasoning at the time...there would be many more opportunities to take more photos. But how were we to know that he would die before us, 12 months ago to be exact. A brain tumour claimed his life...he had always refuelled his own plane...standing beside the killer fumes.
So, I reluctantly deleted those photographs I thought I would never want. My choice in photographs for competitions had to improve...somehow! A non-acceptance in the National Show said it all. And it wasn't a soft landing. I was used to having 7 or so acceptances. But should I let this disappointment...this subjective assessment of my photography be the be all and end all?
At first...YES! But then...a few weeks later...a definite NO! And these images I found hidden away...I wondered how Graffity
had changed over the years or is it simply that some communities prefer outdoor art galleries. These I discovered in Tasmania. And guess where? In Launceston in a skate board park. The outdoor Art gallery I discovered elsewhere...see my next Blog.  

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Chasing the wild flowers!

Of course we were too early! Not enough rain to encourage the fields of wild flowers we had been used to seeing. And just when we had visitors from China willing and able to drive miles and miles (klms.) in our language. Serious business really for two days and then a bit of relaxation at the Sandstone Resort...the choices for food at the pub were..deep fried or crumbed fish and chips...deep fried fish and chips...deep fried and battered chicken and chips or deep fried and battered what ever and chips. The imagination out there is....non-existent? Perhaps. However a good bottle of red wine helped it all down. Our Chinese visitors didn't drink alcohol...'We will get drunk!' Australia everyone gets drunk! Don't they?
Yes! It is a rock! In anyone's language. You like? You can have. Luckily for some the lady in pink had been flown to Perth to interpret for the two Chinese gentlemen.

 Pity about the early morning temperature...lovely sunrise but 0* degrees ...hat and coat weather.
But there is no traffic need to leave Sandstone early to miss the traffic.

 Metal is the building material of choice...the white ants won't eat the walls...and it is light to transport.
Or so it was in the late 19th century. Who said we don't have anything 'OLD' in Australia?

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Making the most of the sunshine!

Yes what beautiful days we had on the weekend . Ideal for the Avon Descent boat race in Toodyay. You'd think we'd be there to take many photos but after 18 years we decided to clean up the winter growth etc. on our little property. Everything looks so green and luscious almost a temptation for me to consider retiring there...but...maybe ,,,,well who knows what the future holds.
The magnificent early morning mists couldn't be missed and up and out I was taking early morning photos. Amazing what is going on while we sleep.
Spiderwebs everywhere and if the sun shine is caught at the right angle amazing photographs are possible.
The sizes of the spiderwebs vary from small to extremely large. However no matter how many I looked at and surveyed none had successfully trapped any insects suitable for a spider's breakfast. I wondered how long a spider would have to wait? Then again I couldn't find a spider either...perhaps spiders sleep during the day having been up all night creating?
 I must say the spider creativity doesn't limit itself to creating simple webs. Here the morning dew is trapped to create an amazing crystal-like pattern. And even the olive tree has been considered.

 But owning a property in the country isn't all 'beer and skittles' as some say. Winter awaits its annual clean up before the time runs out...and the winter rains return.