It is a question, silent it may be, yet something that concerns all of us as we slip nearer to the top of the queue.
What have you written to those who you leave behind... when your final moment does come?
Is it your wish that your name remains in eternity?
Well, it depends on your name of course and...what you have achieved in the years of your life.
All this matters!
So of all the sights seen on our last escapade this one does stick in my mind. Was it his foot size? Or did he impress me as the founder of the city we visited...the remains thereof...remains that he made sure in which he would be included. No, he was indeed the founder of the city, TEMENOS, founded in the mid century 3rd B.C. And the founder's name, ARTEMIDOROS of APOLLONIOS from PERGE of PAMPHYLIA. Now wasn't that name worth recalling? One can't ignore his feet either.

So this PRIEST, who in his old age settled in Thera founded a number of sanctuaries embellishing the city. However his open-air sanctuary was chisilled out of the rock by Artemidoros himself. His altars, relief decorations and numerous inscriptions decorate the place today.
The throne of the goddess of Tyche; the lion of
Apollo Stephanephoros;the eagle of Zeus Olympios and the dolphin of Poseidon Pelasios completes the set with the portrait of Artemidoros wearing a wreath.

We found Dolphins throughout our tour of Crete also.
Even if you don't discover this history, a visit will fill you with great sights of the local geographic land marks.
Kamari, the volcanic beach resort plus remains of the city on top of the hill overlooking the now present airport feeding the tourist mecca of Santorini will make your visit worthwhile.