Thursday, February 16, 2017


We were told on the news! Weren't we? Of course we were .....and we believed it.

So off we went to drive to Northam...the waterlogged Northam... and while the road trip via Irish Town road was interesting... some areas blocked by water crossing the road in general it was unremarkable.
Not so when I came home to inspect my photos. So I had an expert change the colour monitor on my computer and low and behold my life changed...on a second visit he couldn't explain to me why all my pictures came out DARK on C-drive yet perfect on Lightroom. Oh decide...because by the time he comes back with a solution the flood waters will have receded and my black photos will be irrelevant. Here goes!

Wow they look almost acceptable! These were taken just beyond the Northam Weir.

 But then Katrine bridge was another story. The road was extension of the bridge remnants...and the water was flowing at a great pace. My long-term memory tried to adjust to the Avon descent of many years ago when a life was lost in the bridge pylons...much to our panic stricken eyes from the shore.

After a calming lunch we drove back to unremarkable Toodyay...well almost that is...the river was as full as ever and flowing way too fast for anyone to tackle in boats.

But we had to drop our friends back at their farm not far from Toodyay on the Goomalling road... and there it was the ...the damage done by the moving water. Even the work done by them to resurrect access from the last flood a few weeks ago had to be repaired. How frustrating indeed!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Many Happies for the New Year!

It is tough when the Blogger site doesn't speak the Aussie lingo!
Everyone here knows what I do don't you?

Or do you all feel like you've just been washed up on the beach? Well, you must have enjoyed yourself...really brought that New Year in!

Are you hoping to have everyone playing the same tune...well almost the same?

Sick of the persistent lights in the sky?

No! You can't go back...only make those resolutions come true!

Delusions or tunnel vision? Whatever! Things can only get better. Think positive and ignore that nagging other...that negativity has no place in this wonderful photographic world! Best Wishes!!!!!!!!!!