Friday, April 6, 2012

On the bus in Turkey

This picture was the result of my early morning trial waiting for the best hot ideas...I mean the ones that occur to you at 4am or 5am...the wild ones, not the conservative ones which happen every day at normal hours. Alain de Boton spoke of them during his one on one interview yesterday on ABC24. I can only agree with him and I think every writer knows of this phenomena...that is why a notebook and pen is compulsory equipment beside the bed. Unfortunately I pressed the wrong buttons and this image appeared here rather than in my personal image box. But you will have to agree it is not bad for an "old" lady bussing around of my friendlier moments my companions would say. I do keep to myself these days but then why wouldn't I? I have just reached the "invisible" stage of my life and the years where experience counts for nothing...or, so I find when I try to join in on any conversation. Sometimes I feel like putting up my hand, like the good old school days. After all I may be growing old but I am not rude...not intentionally. Well we are all slipping back into our second childhood as we age so perhaps my ideas are not that unbelieveable.

As far as waiting for wild ideas, they came to me at 5.30am and I wrote endlessly on a draft thinking they would be published but, they were so good that what I wrote was gobbled up by Google never to be seen again.

Then again perhaps I had written a whole lot of dribble as I figured out the time differences in my life: I had been in Queensland the week before and my system was used to waken me at 6am. So, Alain I will try again tomorrow morning at 4am, or maybe 5am, or maybe...Easter Sunday? No way. I'll be up to catch the Easter Bunny, perhaps.

Speaking of Alain de Boton I have been reading his latest book "Religion for Atheists" and I must say he has enlightened me considerably; I now see the value of various religious practices. As a confirmed Atheist before this I am still without a God and an unbeliever but can see the value in religion now. Youv'e done a great job Alain. This praise is coming from a person who has lived in several religious connections ie. Lutheran, Methodist, Jewish and Catholic, not to mention having a sister involved in various breakaway Catholic groups, Psychologically driven Sects and even having supported the "Little Pebble" of N.S.W. .This man was bent on saving the world through the power of prayer. Unfortunately for him, the police thought he could be the most useful in Jail. There he had to give up sexually training the underage young princesses for God.

It always puzzled me how perfectly intelligent people could be religious... not thinking of the Little Pebble when I say this but well educated people. I now understand. And I will test this change in me on Sunday night when the ABC will present a discussion between the Catholic Archbishop and the most well known Atheist, Richard Dawkins. Wrong, on reflection, it will be the QandA program. In fact I did spend Easter Friday watching Jesus Christ Superstar etc. and listening to Sacred Music honest is that?

On reflection childhood habits are hard to shake at any mother never allowed us to listen to music on Good was a day of mourning...for me it really was, as another friend's name appeared in the death notices on the Thursday morn. Not a time of celebration for some families but perhaps a questioning opportunity. Lucille is out of pain at least I tell myself. Posted by Picasa

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