Sunday, October 20, 2013

Brrrr! Ice caves and Ice glaciers!

You might say dear reader that all glaciers are made of brrr. ice ! But no, there are some made of gravel, soil and all sorts of mountain material.
So lets freeze ourselves for a minute or three or even twenty...long enough to warm up the battery of my camera in each pocket and then go on...snap and click at the ice created images inside the ice cave at the Jungfrau mountain range.
 These ice sculptures must be replaced every 24 hrs or so as their melting rate is rapid enough to distort their meaning very quickly. I couldn't believe the times quoted but I wasn't going to wait around to dispute them.
Perhaps it was the heat of their love that helped melt every ones heart?
My camera battery decided that enough was enough already...let me into your pocket!!! just to warm up a little...and it worked!

Who this guy is I can't disclose but he has obviously been sectioned a few times already...even if he was suitably attired in cap and all. You know that 90% of your body heat is lost through the top of your skull hence....wear a hat...without blowing your top! Ha!  Google has moved him down the page. And, no matter how hard I try his position on this page is pre-ordained!

Better put in a calming photograph to warm my humour!!
 Off to the Rhone Glacier! Here an ice cave has been created by the locals. A visit by the tourists who might want to cool down rapidly brings in a small income to those who want to keep the ice glacier intact. A canvas covering keeps the damaging sun rays off.
Some geologists would rather photograph the rocks...this I can understand...I needed a lone figure for my

 photograph anyway!

 This pleasing and warming outlook was taken from the bottom of the Rhone Valley...for those interested in spending their Sundays in reflection and indoors!

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