Sunday, December 22, 2013

So who on this earth is Santa?

Two days before Christmas and I read in the paper how a museum in Southern Germany wants to claim the original Santa. In their history books they claim that Father Christmas was actually a Catholic attempt at defeating the popularity of the Protestant St. Nicholas, who we from Europe know as the original gift giver. It was St. Nicholas (Nikolaus) who knew all the good children and all the bad. If you had been one of the bad...LOOK OUT!
The clue as to why the Catholic family introduced Father Christmas, the origin thereof, lies in the terminology...Father! Interpreted by the museum to be only of Catholic intention.
However the museum also discloses that the Coca Cola company of the USA designated the red coat to Santa and so ....all the rest is...HISTORY!  ......Commercial History is it not?
Father Christmas?....Here?....I don't believe it!!

No, it is true! Father Christmas came to visit us on the French boat Le Antarctica.
Can you imagine the French cooking...the wines...the filled swimming pool...the gift giving for the children etc.. It was enough to make you want to believe in him.

 Come on!! Get out of the water and meet Father Christmas!!

Meet Who? Who did you say to meet? But I'm not dressed!!!

We found our peace in a small church.
And one of the tourists knew that the Almighty had been keeping an eye out for him as the competent staff on board had managed to orchestrate the young Americans survival after three heart attacks.

So I wish everyone a very happy holiday season...Father Christmas or no Father Christmas... it is the time to wish everyone Peace and Good Will!

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