Yes Flat Caitlin was lucky enough to be sent by snail mail to Perth and her grandmother helped her explore the sights. This was all because at her school in Darien Connecticut her class is reading the book 'Flat Stanley' by Jeff Brown. And this Flat Stanley is mailed to California on vacation and his experiences there were mind blowing! So how could we not let Darien know about our world in PERTH!
Let me introduce Flat fact she thinks she is so photogenic that she pushed her way into this photo. A little rude but then...
she saw the tour bus on the other side of the road and away we went. Of course Betty's Pier was still in progress of being arranged or re-arranged or....well it all depends on the budget....and BUS Well? Maybe!
It wasn't the usual Perth blue sky but Flat Caitlin insisted and politely asked a fellow tourist to reach out and make it possible for all to see Flat Caitlin's picture of the city of Perth from Kings Park of course. And that was where we made the bus wait...just for us...and just imagine...there was so much to do!
The bus tooting soon got us moving and of course the Perth Cultural Centre was the next stop. What about that? An actual open garden or should I say a roof top garden ( the parking area for cars was underneath) and a Wetlands area beside 'the Caller' (a statue) where frogs could be heard croaking. A surprised Flat Caitlin made friends in an instant.
Of course the Art Gallery and the Library had been there for years but it was all new for Flat Caitlin. And again it was the help of a complete stranger that allowed us to photograph Flat Caitlin at the Wetlands. This boy's cousin lives in America so he was pleased to know that his photograph of him helping would go to Darien Connecticut USA. The Library of WA was a big exhibitions, movies, books to read and for sale, free justice of the peace signatures and meeting places not to mention the and food for your next meet up with friends.
This arrangement of photographs was not mine....what a waste of space!