Friday, September 19, 2014

Still scratching!! Serving the travel BUG!

Yes I am still dealing with the travel itch and so are most of my friends in Galapagos, Equador.

 That comes from living a hairy life. Can't say I have that problem. But I'm not judging these
creatures. They are the cutest and friendliest
even if most of their day is spent chasing the bugs.

Transport to these islands was never a problem. we experienced both. But didn't need the water taxi.
And found some of the local seals making themselves at home on the deck of a long-abandoned boat. Click on the images  to enlarge them.

It wasn't Valentines day but this bird didn't know that. These balloon fronts rather than showing love are used to soften the birds' landing when out fishing. When in their nests the balloons make comfy head rests.

I couldn't resist the infant feeding image as well as the 'how do I look?' picture.  Never winning anything with them in competitions doesn't reduce my love of them.
The one at the bottom, the marine lizards, reminds me of the saying ... if you can't be with the one you love ... love the one you're with.

1 comment:

  1. My, my, there is some serious travel going on here. Wonderful photos.
