Monday, October 27, 2014

Nothing like a front gate you can lock!!

Why would you say that? because its Halloween of course!! You are a spoil sport! Maybe...but it was my visiting daughter from Connecticut who asked...but what's it doing in Australia? It is an American custom!! You may think it is but the truth is quite different.

HALLOWEEN is an ancient Celtic celebration, Samhain. It marked the beginning of winter or the 'dark' half of the year. The day before Halloween is the last day of summer and the day after is the first day of winter. So John Stickle of Daglish asks...what is the logic in celebrating this in Australia?
'You may well ask' as the late Gough Whitlam would have replied. Thank you Gough for sharing your intellect with us.
The answer and I wish I could send this to the USA but I can't...Halloween was seen by the corporate US and pumpkin growers as a way to herd the sheep into department stores, supermarkets, novelty stores and any other place where the paraphernalia could be sold. and it seems to have been introduced into Australia in late 1960ties by homesick draft dodgers from the exploit our resources and who seem to have a fervent belief that the world would be a better place if everyone embraced the culture of the USA.
And this is where the family argument started...and this is why I can't send this explanation to anyone in the USA and why I won't be visiting this Xmas.
Roll on the National Rifle association says John Stickle, tongue in cheek of course!  But who could have said it better?
No photos for this one ... the words said it all!!

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