Monday, May 11, 2015

Forget Mother's Day...well maybe...but this I find too beautiful to forget.

I wanna go to SIENA!!
I've always wanted to go to SIENA! we'll go!! I know I'll have to do some climbing. So what! We are used to that from Petra and from last year in Florence. Let's go!
Can you believe that we bought some tickets...after finding our hotel that is and driving through the city of Siena and being stopped by the local police. The choices of the tickets were 1. climb to the top of supposed 'new' Cathedral, the one never finished and the one which was supposed to replace the original Cathedral. Or, we could go underground to the basement of the main Cathedral and spend an hour or two admiring all or we could come back the next day and climb into the roof of the cathedral to take photos and/or come back and admire another church and climb again or go across the road and discover some neolithic earth works and a huge, what was once the biggest hospital in Europe but is now a museum. I wanna see it all!! And we did!

And in between the churches looked a bit fussy from the outside but....then there were the floor tiles reminiscent of the inquisition period in history or the many figurines, the carvings not only in wood or ceramic, the lights, the...oh...the...and the...if only google would let me place these photos where I want them!!!Don't forget to click on them to enlarge the pictures.

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