Friday, July 3, 2015

Want to see some action? Why not land on an active volcano?

Sure not as easy as you might think. But in New Zealand it isn't that difficult. It certainly is easier than my four day treck up and through a National see the volcano Rigani... accompanied by four local Indonesians, live chooks in plastic bags and various bottles of sauce carried all the way up to ensure fresh chicken meat was available for the tourists for their dinner. "Don't kill those chooks on this side of the mountain, in front of me...over there...over there! Where I can't see!!"
A bad start however began at the National Park gate. 'Yes, you must register!' was the cry. 'How old are you?' 'Fifty' I replied. 'It is my birthday.'
'Fifty???? Most people in this country are dead by fifty.' OOps!!
However in New Zealand there was no such bother. Money handed over and into the helicopter we climbed...ready for some of the most stunning scenery!

Of course for some, in fact for most visitors, de rigeur consisted of hard hat, gas mask and monopod supporting a good camera. The advice was to follow closely behind one another, watch where you place your feet and don't forget vision is limited and one can become lost very quickly. Inhaling the gas was not keep your mask on!

 Yes that is White Island...the most active Volcano in New Zealand. Of course our helicopter also dropped us on an inactive or dormant volcano but nothing as exciting as White Island.

 The bottom view of the walking yellow hard hats was a view taken from our helicopter just before we landed. We were not the only visitors. The danger sign for our visit was no. visitors or helicopters allowed at danger no.3.

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