So I've been busy. Have I what? I am now the walker, pee and poo lady. Yes finally the eyes of this somewhat large dog yet only a puppy had caught us at the pound. Even if she was only 8 weeks young then when we spied her she looked like a huge dog. The lady in-charge said she was a Bull Mastif...oh yeah! Well this she rapidly withdrew but it was too late we had already fallen for those beautiful eyes. No worries! We'll manage! Let's do it. And so she did.
When we brought her home we suddenly realised that everyone around us had owned a lap dog...the size of about 12 inches. Ours was about 12 that's slightly exaggerating! We had to wait till she was 7 months before we let her have the 'desexing' surgery. And now, when she is almost 8months she could finally go to the Bayswater off-leash park and swim her life away. She immediately made friends with other dogs. Her non-aggressive attitude allowing her to mix freely with other dogs while I stood chatting to other owners.
She even had a social afternoon with two Scottish terriers and ran her heart out without one moment of nastiness. 'If you don't bring Penny don't bother coming!' Wow he doesn't know our Penny we thought but it was a great afternoon.
And we also did a DNA test on her. Over $200.00 but well worth it...those large paws and long legs were finally put to rest. No sign of a Bull Mastif was the out come. Instead we had bought ourselves a rescue dog with many show dogs years ago but finally had an American Staffy Terrier crossed with several other types. She does have a singular mind (that's the Terrier in her) but other than that has a food obsession and is growing up rapidly. She loves all physical activity and now even likes jumping into the river. What next? Perhaps swimming? We hope so!
Pictures are coming! So is Christmas you might say...but it has been so long since I posted photographs that my poor memory can't recall how to do it. Ho HUM!