Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My first BRAG for 2015!

Yes it is time to write a new post on my Blog site...of course it is. And I do feel guilty not having written before this. But as you know I have been busy. Busy? How? Oh watching grass grow! That, and a bit more. Yes wasting precious money, before and after Christmas on the people who know! What? Just because they have a university degree doesn't mean they know. Do your own research is my advice. And so I have been involved in the NoWri Nov Mo or some such thing. Yes I have been writing a Novella...50000 words...and I wrote it in time to enter the 'free' print competition promoted by BLURB and free instruction to self-publish by Amazon. Only one problem surfaced...I couldn't be bothered submitting my writing. BUT having left it to smoulder and doing a number of book reviews for other authors I picked it up again, printed it and re-read it. And WOW! I am blown away and even if I do say so myself I am impressed. Here is a short overview:

An Investigative Memoir ----Truth in Fiction---- "The Pity of it All!!"

Charlotte's life is examined in terms of years of Hashimoto symptoms, both unknown and known, untreated and treated. Her experience discloses how little is known or acknowledged by those in the medical world and in the world in general. Two antagonists, one her estranged daughter and the other, her partner, challenge Charlotte in her understanding of the genetic and familial issues involved. How could an inactive gland or partially functioning gland be held to be influencing the individual's thinking and self-expression?

A time bomb existing in any family and particularly in Western Society is ready to explode the issue of obesity. Symptoms of personality change and of excessive weight carried can no longer be explained through over-eating, choice of diet, ageing, gender, pre-climacteric or post-menopausal experience or be simplified by the lack of exercise. The hormonal riot is about to be acknowledged by the medical profession. The blame will no longer oppress the innocent individual: the guilt is shifting, at last, through the recognition and application of medical knowledge.

So that is what I have been doing...besides watching my hair re-grow and understanding what Auto- Immune conditions are all about. Join me! Be an ASKAHOLIC! Ignorance is BORING! Agreed? This Novella is so far not yet published but I am working on it and that is why I think it is time to brag!

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