Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Last post for the end of the month in the food traveller department!

Of course anyone who lives in Perth will know that in Australian terms it is the first of the next month OCTOBER. But seeing this post leaves us in America we can be generous and follow their time zone.
We may be in America with the cooking but we do have or used to have this chef's show on the tellie. Ever heard of the show SIMPLY MING? Well you may not be as old as I am. But on his show EASTern cooking meets WESTern cooking and the recipes I would have thought are particularly suited to our summer months... or any time of the year really as we cook a la ASIAN or Eastern tastes anyway. I recall when visiting Bavaria (that's southern Germany by the way) my friend was on the verge of agreeing to come to visit us in Perth until she thought up this one..."But you keep a Bavarian kitchen don't you?"
I was stumped for a reply without offending her!  Did she not realise that our closest neighbours are Asian? And our temperatures do not make for heavy meat-filled diets? Ho! Hum! I guessed it would be up to us to visit again sometime.

 Yes he is as jolly as he looks and as keen to  have his recipes tried. And I can attest to their simplicity and to their popularity with friends. Click on the images to enlarge!
To those who have had enough from my kitchen cook books I can ask for just one more entry one of my favourites and being German may be able to guess. This book I found in Sydney and I can thoroughly recommend the site even if you are not interested in cooking.

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