Friday, May 22, 2015

From advertising to ....

Yes found this amazing photograph and wondered if ISIS is operating in the same century. Or was it here where they discovered the idea. I saw it in Italy amongst historical sculptures. I believe it was Florence or Milan and a part of the Middle Ages I suspect.

But I'm onto more pleasant topics. Well almost...! If you ever go to Buenos Airyes the cemetery is not to be missed. Besides famous people having been buried there (don't cry for me Argentina) they also do their own advertising....

 and even make room for you should you want to join another burial plot.
And now to a more pleasant subject LIFE is for the Birds!!
Or in this case...waiting for GOD..Do is not such a bad idea either. This image i captured in Martigny, Switzerland but whether the gentleman was waiting for a bus to test the actions of his God I don't exactly know.

 Or until the humans come along! The fountain where the poor dog is kept in the dark is at Siena Italy and is known as the GAY not as in Gay of modern day meaning but Gaye as in Let's celebrate!! The first flow of fresh water to the city of Siena flowed through these orifices (more suitable word of description escapes me).

What about these colourful advertisements in Milano?

 It was a fund -raising idea for the elephants and a way of disclosing the creativity of some in the process.

 The sore spot on the other hand of the bull's torso encouraged people to place their foot in just that area to claim luck in their lives!

The colourful Italians in Venice displayed their sense of lyalty ot various aspects in their washing...and of course the joy of living amongst colours. Click on to enlarge!


  1. Fabulous colours, just delightful.

  2. Thanks Mickey or Mieke, those colours are real! No touch up necessary!
