Thursday, October 31, 2013

Unanswered Questions of Russia!!!

And there are many...when will the human rights of prisoners stop resembling the experience of GULAG inmates of the past? No, no!! Let's keep it light!

 Allright! Who dropped this?

And, are those canon balls real?
 And, why can't I take your photo? I love men in uniform!!

But, what's really behind those walls?

What's the celebration?

Oh never mind! What was in the apple juice, that is the question?

Do you like it?

Let's see...watercolor or pastels?

And ,the fish, are they biting?

Will you marry me? I just did. But, don't forget this afternoon's game. The Rugby...they'll be depending on me. (Rugby Union) A Russian Wallabies supporter!!!!
Oh, that game!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let's be positive!!!

The negative criticism of my Novel has brought me to could I be anything but positive when I write about Jihad Bin, headmaster of Punchbowl High school in Sydney. Until his arrival this school had a woeful reputation but Jihad took it on and has changed its image from negative to positive.
He introduced the concept of family to the school...the sense of belonging and the use of positiveness for all who may be involved. When taking over he spent the holidays meeting every parent, explaining what he was hoping for the school and how he planned to include each and everyone in this process. With a name like Jihad this must have been a very difficult thing to do.
On ONE PLUS ONE (ABC TV Fridays at 11.30am) he explained how he hoped to be able to convince Australians to give up their huge inferiority complexes...the need to seek approval from overseas  before they do anything in their own country.
I think this brings me to the propensity of Australians to knock those who happen to be different or who have achieved one thing or another in their own little them and don't be threatened by their achievement or by your lack of achievement. Team work and positiveness has been proven to be able to influence success...just ask Jihad...a migrant from Lebanon at 2yrs and from a Moslem family of six brothers and a  sister...all successful Australians.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Who said Moscow was lacking....

Surely not me! Yes it was me! It was purely my memory lacking...and of course the weather was not really unforgettable...the rain lasted only a couple of days after all. And who's complaining? The photos are much better in the rain and the white sky. Don't forget to enlarge the photos by clicking on them.
May I take your order madam?

 Table for two? What? No Booking?
 No that price, Sir, is not a bottle price but the glass, Sir!
Perhaps inside madam?
 My assistant could help you. Oh, you've seen us somewhere before? Perhaps my brother madam? No, no, he is not White Russian. He and his son have been seen on Cottesloe Beach, Australia. He recently had his legs cut off....was stolen...I believe.
My sister will take your order.
A Beer Sir? Um, what type Sir? The list is there.

 The picture of Red Square above, is the way in Moscow...if repairs are being done then a lovely print is suspended in front of the point of interest.

Yes we did enjoy the river cruise (it had slipped my mind). At least 6 cruisers had the name RADDISSON printed on each meaning....? The Raddisson hotel chain lay opposite the quay. We explored it after the cruise and found an amazing night club!!! No wheelchairs were not served with drinks but the best view of Moscow could be seen outside...lights ON!!!

The view outside our hotel...and it was raining.

 Umbrellas are a great business in Moscow.
Pick the guide in this Red ensemble.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

More Travel Photos?

Just one more....the Venice of the North!!!
You guessed it! Or did you? I wouldn't have. But if you see the canals, the intriguing stone bridges or bridges which are built to open up once every 24 hrs...then perhaps, yes! St. Petersburg is the Venice of the North. See what you think. I definitely think it is the Cultural Capital of Russia. Red Square in Moscow has its attractions but then what? Churches, museums, pickled vegetables and then what? Oh there is the Ritz Moscow, we know that, but bring your money with you, that's for certain.

So what do you see? Grande open spaces? Architecture to blow your socks off! Museums large enough to spend a week in and without seeing all to be seen. Palaces surrounded by magnificent parks and gardens, the style of Versailles perhaps, yes opulence galore, mind you the President's Palace in Red Square didn't feature too badly with all its gold trimmings...the People's Palace...oh was it? Let them it cake!!! I saw a lot of evidence of bread and water and poverty in the outlying districts of Moscow.  

 Don't forget, once these images are published, it is possible to enlarge them by simply clicking on the image.

 To be fair to both cities
there is the evidence of Capitalism in both...and people do dress conscious of the latest style and fashion.
Should I mention the difference in Guides? Moscow...local of Moscow, 40+maybe, never traveled outside Russia, proud of achievements, never experienced Communist country (or admits) but hopes Capitalism will never come to Russia (owns unit in Moscow, investment unit also in Moscow and farm outside of Moscow)????.
St Petersburg...local but brought up in Siberia, widely traveled the world, interested in all things cultural, speaks three languages, works as Translator for Mariensky Theatre (Ballet), not afraid to let tourists experience other restaurants beside pickled vegetables ie.Georgian.  Guess which one we appreciated more?

More History in Switzerland as we climb.....

Searching everywhere in Martigny for the known Roman left-overs, the Roman Amphitheatre, we stumbled into the Museum dedicated to the famous Bernadino mountain dogs. Here we met George the original, stuffed but still smiling and I might say many of his followers.
 The Roman Amphitheatre was located right next door and well hidden under platforms and modern seating arrangements...ready for the on-coming wrestling display.

George sprang to attention almost when he realised
 he had visitors from Australia (almost). I've included the winter photo, snow and all, to give some idea of the size of the original complex high up in the mountain. And so we began our climb, winding narrow roads, however whenever History caught our attention, we had to stop. Fancy Napoleon and his thousands of dedicated followers joining us in our expedition...we were only interested in the life-saving dogs after all. But soon our point of interest changed.
In 1798 following the French Revolution Napoleon invaded Switzerland, his forces taking over Bern (1198) and thus establishing the Helvetic Republic. This was not a popular move but all has been forgiven and the nuggety little Frenchman is now being remembered all the way up the mountainside. His amazing trek marked across the mountain top directing thousands in an attempt to cross into Italy. And so did we, almost......

Go Back! Go Back! You are leaving Switzerland! God's own country!

Over 46 thousand troops under his command? How would he feature on Facebook today with so many friends? That's not him by the way pointing to Switzerland...I suspect it is St Bernardine showing us the way to the hospital.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A bit of History in Switzerland!

Yes from day one we managed to cross off items on our bucket list without even trying. We stumbled on the Devil's Bridge. Switzerland's most famous landmark, the one and only access available to anyone who might have wanted to access Switzerland to the South during 1410. If you can read German it is all written on the plague below.

 It was my first opportunity to use my new Fisheye lens hence the weird stomach-churning images. My male model was not aware that I was doing this but I think I managed quite well.
The bridge at the top of the picture is now a railway bridge which leads through den Gotthard mountain.
Below someone has left a thank you in remembrance that somehow it must have been God's Will then to protect Switzerland from the Devil's Plans to infiltrate free Switzerland.
Each photo can be enlarged by simply clicking on it/not this time it seems...I have tried...maybe I need to publish it first.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Brrrr! Ice caves and Ice glaciers!

You might say dear reader that all glaciers are made of brrr. ice ! But no, there are some made of gravel, soil and all sorts of mountain material.
So lets freeze ourselves for a minute or three or even twenty...long enough to warm up the battery of my camera in each pocket and then go on...snap and click at the ice created images inside the ice cave at the Jungfrau mountain range.
 These ice sculptures must be replaced every 24 hrs or so as their melting rate is rapid enough to distort their meaning very quickly. I couldn't believe the times quoted but I wasn't going to wait around to dispute them.
Perhaps it was the heat of their love that helped melt every ones heart?
My camera battery decided that enough was enough already...let me into your pocket!!! just to warm up a little...and it worked!

Who this guy is I can't disclose but he has obviously been sectioned a few times already...even if he was suitably attired in cap and all. You know that 90% of your body heat is lost through the top of your skull hence....wear a hat...without blowing your top! Ha!  Google has moved him down the page. And, no matter how hard I try his position on this page is pre-ordained!

Better put in a calming photograph to warm my humour!!
 Off to the Rhone Glacier! Here an ice cave has been created by the locals. A visit by the tourists who might want to cool down rapidly brings in a small income to those who want to keep the ice glacier intact. A canvas covering keeps the damaging sun rays off.
Some geologists would rather photograph the rocks...this I can understand...I needed a lone figure for my

 photograph anyway!

 This pleasing and warming outlook was taken from the bottom of the Rhone Valley...for those interested in spending their Sundays in reflection and indoors!