Thursday, June 5, 2014

So we are advised to only consume as few grams of red meat per day...where does that leave the Australian B/B/Q?

I spent a Saturday night recently supporting a fund raiser to stop cruelty to animals...stop live export shipping of animals to Arabia...these animals should be killed for food in Australia and the meat shipped...why couldn't it be so? Halaal requirements et all! But all the night left me was that life is not perfect....for the animals, the meat eater, the business man, the country and its economy but especially not for the consumer. So what do we have left? Is it fish only for tea from now on? Sometimes that has been my choice but after our visit to Marseilles in France...'m not sure!

 Of course we are spoilt in Australia! Never have our choices in seafood been limited even if the most fresh and the biggest and best make up the quota required by the export market.
Some of these we have never faced at the fish markets.....and that is the way I like it....I think....


1 comment:

  1. There are just so many humans to feed and cruelty ensues. Amazing how flesh can be eliminated from the diet and never missed, especially when good free range eggs are available and when pulses are creatively are added. Which reminds a lovely eggplant yesterday. Added to potatoes and onions, and curried, it will make many meals for about a dollar a serve.
