Sunday, May 25, 2014

Closer to home! Location! Location! location!

So I might be past a certain age but the Real Estate Investment Bug is still alive and well in my blood...or so I found out on the weekend. Actually the opportunities have been there for a long time now but never before had I spent the hours to admire the change that has overcome Midland and surrounds.
It may be because there are four houses for sale in my street alone and all at the one time! How can that be? This area is supposed to be the jewel in the crown of dear OLD Belmont! And the prices are supposed to be exorbitant...well some are...but it never hurts to keep up with the pace of home ownership.
So think about this: would riding to work be your cup of tea?
 So why not buy a unit or newly built house in the Midland area especially the area once occupied by the Midland Railway Workshops.Yes these pieces of land plus the empty buildings are available for the enthusiastic investor. No history has not been ignored or forgotten. In fact there are memorials well presented everywhere...the loss of loved ones during World War I and World War II but also the many blue collar workers who had slaved away at creating and maintaining the functional railway works.

Whatever you decide to buy there may be a pleasant piece of ART Work left to surprise you. They say two heads are always better than one....but what about three surrounded by several snakes? Now that is a surprise! apparently this piece was left behind after the last Art exhibition and no one has been interested in moving it since. Some of these building have been refurbished as doctors' surgeries and medical businesses and consequently sold. From what I can see refurbished apartments would be ideal. But, these ideas may
suit some... especially the young.
Don't forget to click on the image to enlarge.

Google I wish I could discover the secret for positioning these photos!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was attracted at one stage. My father worked so the railway workshops, I went to school in the area and was raised in the district. Later, I sent my kids to secondary school nearby. I really loved what they developed around the restored coal dam.
