Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hi Key Blur! Or the pain was excruciating!

This happened a while ago. I had read all the instructions. And I was sitting minding my own business. The 'pier' man-made and jutting out into the Dead Sea was just that...a place to watch all the strugglers in the Dead Sea full of sea salt. There was so much salt that all control of swimming or floating was made impossible...your legs kept coming up to the surface to point at the sky.
 Yes we were in Jordan and of course the opportunity would never arise again...the Dead Sea is there and we must take a dip.

I had watched with concern how one of our tour group had lost all control and had both eyes submerged in the water and coming to the surface desperately trying to open his eyes, he waved his hands around like a blind man would. But to regain some orientation and make his way to the beach where the fresh water hose lay waiting for those who needed it wasn't going to happen. Now you know why I was sitting having a rest on the pier.
My pushing him from the back and his wife dragging him by hand from the front we finally manged to get  him to the shore. A thorough wash of his eyes took some time. Meanwhile I retreated.  Only one errant wave did my damage and before I knew it I couldn't open my left eye where thew ave had hit...and oh the pain!! At least I could find my way with the good right eye. The fresh water tap was mine. But months later I found the permanent scar in a form of a circle...only small but nevertheless there to remind me of my foolishness. So off to the optometrist. A thorough look and no permanentdamage could be found. So why not have photos taken of the back of the eye/s as well.

 I did and I have tried to post two wonderful images sent to me by my optometrist but to no day I might know how to access them.
My hi key blur attempt for one of our competitions

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