Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Having a Go!!! At Burswood 2013

Yes of course we were there! We had a stall to support our FAb WACC (Western Australian Camera Club)....and enjoyed meeting all sorts who were there also to support various worthy causes. Let's start with.......

 John, the direct descendant of the King Of Scotland (its a secret) but you would have guessed by the Kilt.
No, that's not a machine gun under his arm...he was out to snap a good shot...not to break someone's jaw...just because....
He wasn't the only one in formal attire you know.

 I can't say everyone approved...but it was a very hot day and a temperature suited to wearing a skirt.
And the other wasn't laughing. He was trying very hard to be interesting flogging the NBN (National Broadband Network) that is if the present Liberal Government doesn't withdraw it all just to save more
 Now here are the men in BLUE!!! Don't ask me about the history of their patterns I would say they looked rather good.

Don't rush, says the audience of one. I've got all day.

I'll just prod this soil to make sure you don't all fall in says their glorious leader.

 Talk amongst yourselves while I have my picture
taken...she's a photographer you know!!! We'll be famous one day!!! Don't forget to click on the photos to make them larger or, to see the fab kilt patterns.

That's better! Now we are getting somewhere!! 
 But what's that beautiful sound?
Oh its just the Barbershop Harmony Chorus. We'll just have to play louder! And now team you've done me proud all wearing kilts today but you'll have to hold back on your dancing. Just ignore those others...they're oldies having a go! Why wouldn't they? It is their day!

It takes courage you know to sing, play and dance in public, with strangers.  And, to represent the King of Scotland even if it was thousands of years ago....the Royal Court, that is!!

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