Saturday, April 28, 2012

The 'NEW' book

I've come to the conclusion that my second book should be published and have given in to the psychological pressure of doing it with a discount...thinking it would be a fair price. What I didn't know was that the price was cheaper because it wouldn't include editing. Then again I thought of the minimal editing the first book had enjoyed so why worry? And before I knew it I was spending Saturday writing my publicity notice, author's info. and a short precis of the story. But what message did I want to pass on to the reader? That question stopped me for a while. I couldn't say that 'family' is all important...I could think it but I couldn't write it...or that the loss of a parent or parents through death would signal the fragmentation of a family for some...certainly for mine or that in the aftermath one would need to face the reality of the kind of people the siblings had become...and then I thought of myself...I had turned into someone not many people appreciated. Living life balancing honesty, truthfulness and fairness is Ok as long as you don't force it on other people. A lesson I have had to accept. But you decide...the book is a MEMOIR/AUTOBIOGRAPHY..."KIN DEEP and the inability to mourn".

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